Why Should You Upgrade Your Electrical Panel

Have you ever plugged in a new appliance, and the house went dark? Blackouts might be a regular occurrence if you have lived in your current residence for a long time. Blackouts often indicate an outdated electrical panel that can't support the power needed to run various electrical devices in your home. A professional electrician in Irving can help you make the necessary upgrades without compromising the efficiency and performance of your electrical system. At Mr. Electric of Dallas, we leverage extensive industry experience gained over the many years of providing exceptional electrical services. Here are some reasons you might need an electrical panel upgrade and when to have replacements done. Flickering Lights When you detect flickering in your lighting, this is a sign you need to upgrade your electrical panel. Flickering lights often indicate a more serious underlying problem, such as faulty wiring, electrocution when touching certain appliances, and a burnt odor. Some vis...